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Samir Hadeed Defends You In Drunk Driving And Traffic Ticket Cases

While most people understand that drunk driving charges are serious, they may not look at other traffic charges the same way. The truth is that any moving violation has the potential to cause you more than just a headache. But that’s only if the state can convict you.

At Hadeed Law, attorney Samir Hadeed represents clients from all over Pittsburgh in criminal defense cases. He defends people in every kind of case, from drunk driving charges to speeding tickets. His goal is to completely and totally defend your rights at every turn.

Consequences Of A Traffic Or Drunk Driving Conviction

The penalties that come from a traffic ticket or a drunk driving conviction are serious under Pennsylvania law. They include:

  • Loss of license
  • Extensive fines
  • Time in jail
  • Higher insurance rates

It’s important to know that multiple speeding tickets, reckless driving, driving without a license and drunk driving can come with significant personal consequences.

The Personal Issues That Come With Drunk Driving Charges

There are two problems that come with a drunk driving charge. The first is damage to your reputation, as there is a negative stigma surrounding driving drunk. The more impactful one, though, is when your conviction shows up in public records and background checks.

A criminal conviction – and, in Pennsylvania, some driving under the influence (DUI) offenses are felonies – is going to make it more difficult to find work and housing. But, with the right representation, you can control those consequences.

Expert Answers To Pennsylvania DUI Traffic Violations

Driving under the influence (DUI) in Pennsylvania is a legal offense. If you find yourself entangled in this legal circumstance, your initial steps can shape the outcome. We want to help you get the answers to frequently asked questions about DUI.

How is a DUI defined in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, controlling a vehicle after imbibing enough alcohol to affect your ability to drive safely or with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher is considered driving under the influence. For commercial drivers, the limit is 0.04%, and for individuals under 21, any detectable alcohol in the blood can result in a DUI charge. The state also considers impairment due to drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs, as grounds for a DUI arrest.

Are there different DUI penalties based on the BAC level?

Yes, in Pennsylvania, DUI penalties vary based on the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. For a first-time DUI offense with a BAC of 0.08% to 0.99%, penalties may include probation, fines, alcohol education programs and a license suspension.

Higher BAC levels can lead to more severe consequences, such as increased fines, longer license suspensions, mandatory ignition interlock device installation and possible jail time. Repeated offenses and extremely high BAC levels may result in more stringent penalties. Again, underage drivers with any detectable BAC and commercial drivers with a BAC of 0.04% or higher face distinct consequences.

What is implied consent in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, implied consent refers to the legal presumption that individuals operating a motor vehicle on public roads automatically consent to chemical testing for alcohol or controlled substances during a DUI stop. Refusal to submit to such testing may result in administrative penalties, including license suspension.

Can you refuse a field sobriety test?

Yes, you can refuse a field sobriety test in Pennsylvania. If they suspect you are drunk, law enforcement officers may conduct field sobriety tests to assess your physical and cognitive abilities and try to get probable cause for an arrest. Refusing to participate in these tests is generally wise.

What is Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition?

Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) is a pretrial diversion program in Pennsylvania designed for first-time nonviolent offenders. It is an alternative to traditional court proceedings and aims to promote rehabilitation over punishment. Eligible individuals, often those facing charges such as DUI or drug offenses, may apply for ARD.

If accepted, participants undergo a period of supervision, which may include counseling, community service or other requirements. Upon successful completion, charges are dismissed and the individual may be eligible to have their record expunged.

Will a DUI increase my insurance rates?

Yes, a DUI conviction will likely lead to an increase in auto insurance rates. Insurance companies may view individuals with DUI convictions as higher-risk drivers. This can make the company raise the premium rates for coverage.

Insurance providers use various factors to assess risk, and a DUI on your driving record is considered a significant red flag. The exact impact on your rates can vary depending on the insurance company, state regulations and circumstances.

Can a DUI be expunged from your record in Pennsylvania?

Yes, but if you don’t meet the criteria for a complete expungement, there is still a possibility to shield your Pennsylvania DUI records from public view. You can request the expungement of your DUI court records when the court dismisses your case or when you successfully finish an ARD program.

Should I hire an attorney after being charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania?

Yes, consulting a DUI attorney in Pennsylvania is crucial if you are charged. They offer legal guidance, assess your case, protect your rights and navigate the legal process. With expertise, they challenge evidence, explore defense and negotiate with prosecutors to minimize penalties.

How is a DUI charge different for a commercial truck driver in Pennsylvania?

A DUI charge carries more severe consequences for commercial truck drivers than for other drivers in Pennsylvania. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is lower for them (0.04%). A conviction can result in a one-year commercial driver’s license (CDL) disqualification, impacting livelihoods. Stricter penalties underscore the heightened responsibility and safety standards for commercial drivers.

Turn To Samir Hadeed When You’re In Need

Attorney Samir Hadeed absolutely wants to hear from you and provide you with the information and care you deserve. He’s ready to get to work for you. Call 412-643-0768 or send an email for your free consultation.